25.7 Adverbs with Dative

Many adverbs require an object to have any meaning. This can be a direct (Accusative) or an indirect object (Dative), depending on the adverb (or adverbial construction).

Examples for adverbs with Dative  
Er benimmt sich seinem Alter entsprechend.
= He behaves according to his age.
Dieser Ausdruck ist mir nicht geläufig.
= This expression is not known by me. (I don't know this expression)
Die Bezahlung war der Leistung angemessen.
= The payment was adequate to the performance.
Er war der Situation nicht gewachsen.
= He was not able to handle the situation.
Die 10 000 Euro kamen ihm sehr gelegen.
= The 10 000 Euro were very welcome.
Die ganze Angelegenheit war ihm gleichgültig (egal).
= He did not care about the whole issue.
In dem Moment war mir alles egal (gleichgültig).
= In this moment I didn't care about anything.
Sie war ihm geistig überlegen.
= She was mentally superior to him.
Sie waren ihm böse, weil er nicht gekommen war.
= She was upset about him, because he didn't come.
Das sieht ihm ähnlich*.
= This is typical for him. (direct translation: This is similar to him.)
Er war ihm bei der Auswertung der Unterlagen behilflich.
= He helped with the evaluation of the documents.
Mir war in dem Augenblick nicht bewusst, was das für ihn bedeutete.
= I did not realise in this moment, what it meant for him.
Er war ihr sehr zugetan.
= He liked her a lot.
Sein Benehmen war uns allen peinlich.
= His behaviour was embarrassing for all of us.
Der Typ ist mir einfach zuwider.
= I don't like this guy.
Durch seine Arroganz machte er sich allen verhasst.
= Through his arrogance everybody disliked him.
Er blieb seinen Prinzipien treu.
= He was faithful to his principles.
Die Geschichte hat gezeigt, dass die Planwirtschaft der freien Marktwirtschaft unterlegen ist.
= History has shown that planned economy is inferior to the free market.

* This phrase in German is nothing very friendly. Usually it does mean that the speaker in the situation does not agree with the behaviour of this person.

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